Ayurvedic Bliss Package

        Immerse yourself into an Ayurvedic Bliss Paradise. Whether for  relaxation, rejuvenation, weight loss, detoxification, anti aging, ailments or stress management, your inner healing and wellness journey begins here. A combination of the world’s most ancient and powerful mind, body, spirit, systems of health. Our Ayurvedic Wellness Consultation, Ayurvedic Skincare Consultation, and Reiki Healing Package deeply rejuvenates the soul and assists in bringing the body and mind into a blissful state of harmony.

Reiki Healing Package

            a soothing, invigorating therapy that promotes over all health on all levels. It is non invasive and works well with modern, holistic, and Ayurvedic Medicine. Reiki treats the whole body, removing energy blocks, stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself and activating the immune system response. Resulting in improved energy flow and a balanced energetic system. The Reiki Healing Package of 3 is highly recommended for optimum health results.

Each session includes a consultation and assessment where we can discuss any goals or concerns and set the intention for the session, a guided meditation, sound healing, chakra balancing crystals to enhance the experience. Concluding a brief follow up to discuss what physical sensations, emotions, or memories that may have risen during the session as part of the healing process. 

Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanse

Detox, Refresh, Renew, your body and mind for improved energy, mental clarity, strength, and immunity. This gentle cleanse reduces toxins that impact the body and mind during the changing cycles of mother nature that focuses on nourishing rather than depriving and is balancing to all constitutions, or doshas. Uniquely tailored to fit your needs and schedule. A complete soulful experience healing and replenishing the mind, body, and spirit for lifelong balance.

Ayurvedic Wellness Consultation

            Rejuvenate and discover Self. During your Ayurvedic Wellness Consultation we will address your health concerns from a physical, emotional, and spiritual perspective. We will discuss your psychosomatic constitution or your mind/body type(doshas), how they manifest in you, the way these doshas are supporting you naturally (prakruti), the way that this dosha or doshas have come out of balance over time (vikruti), your state of your dhatus(tissues), your agni(digestive fire), and whether you may or may not have ama(toxins) in the body. We will also be discussing your spiritual aspirations, dreams, and and your mental state(manas). You will learn the foundations of Ayurveda and how to apply this understanding to your every day life. We will outline your own personal vision of wellness, and work together to get there. You’ll receive a personalized take home plan that is structured as unique as you.  You’ll be provided with natural holistic solutions that fit your needs, practical tools and rituals of how to maintain a state of balance and harmony, specialized herb blends, oils, and specific diet & lifestyle recommendations as well as complimentary yogic practices to incorporate into your daily life to achieve optimal health on all levals of your being.


Reiki Healing Session

            a soothing, invigorating therapy that promotes over all health on all levels. It is non invasive and works well with modern, holistic, and Ayurvedic Medicine. Reiki treats the whole body, removing energy blocks, stimulating the body’s ability to heal itself and activating the immune system response. Resulting in improved energy flow and a balanced energetic system.  During the session there will be a consultation and assessment where we can discuss any goals or concerns and set the intention for the session. The session also includes a guided meditation, sound healing, chakra balancing crystals to enhance the experience. Concluding a brief follow up to discuss what physical sensations, emotions, or memories that may have risen during the session as part of the healing process.

Ayurvedic Facial

           Restore your natural radiance from within with our Ayur-vedic Conscious Skincare. A holistic approach to alleviating and healing skin problems, remedy imbalances, and identifying the root cause of your skin concerns.  The Ayurvedic Facial combines a skincare analysis & doshic skintype assessment. This includes nutritional guidelines, optimal lifestyle changes, customized internal and external herbal formulas and a skin care regimen tailored just for you.


Meet Your Practitioner

Jennifer Dale

           My mission is to walk beside you with guidance and support through your healing journey, not as a client but as a brother or sister and as a treasured gift and friend. It is my honor to connect with you and help you feel at home again in your body, facilitating the healing process through the deepest levels of mind, body, and spirit. I look forward to meeting you and together we will navigate the path back to wholeness, vitality and freedom.